The Translational Medicine Living Lab ecosystem

The Translational Medicine Living Lab operates as a cathalyst for the energies emerging in the regional community of enterprises, research institutes and Young talents in order to accelerate the availability of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic tools in the clinical routine by promoting:

  • sharing and exploiting the intellectual property generated by the public and private partners of the living lab
  • foundation of Start-ups for the technologic transfer
  • best practises among Young entrepreneur
  • relationships with investors according to fair and clear rules

Through Executive Training Programs, the living lab attracts and joins researchers and highly qualified professionals in the field of Tissue Engineering and high tech companies with emerging talents in order to strengthen the system of the Academic Entrepeneurship.

The living lab avails itself with internationally recognized Academic Research groups that are also productive in terms of intellectual properties in the field of Tissue Engineering, biotechnology and development of advanced materials and smart Technologies for their micro and nanofabrication and functionalization.

The living lab promote the inclusion of Applied Research Centre, such as Spin-off and SME in the field of biotechnology and advanced IT as well as private institutes of excellence in the clinical research, each of them in professional parnership with the main opinion leaders of Translational Medicine.

The living lab aims at aggregating Private and Public Clinical Centers, as they have the crucia role of reporting the most important clinical demands that could find their answer throught the appropriate application and valorization of the scientific findings according to the clinical priorities as perceived by the people (patients and associationd of patients).