Tecnologie e materiali avanzati per ingegneria dei tessuti e la medicina rigenerativa


Translational Medicine Living Lab represents a network of research institutes, enterprises and clinics focused on improving healthcare with the translation of the most advanced findings of sperimental activity into diagnostic and therapeutic tools

Cutting-edge development of new technology and foresight in the field of translational medicine and advanced materials.


Coordination of educational and executive training programmes, promoting the Academic Entrepreneurship.


Scouting of public and private funding opportunity to subtain research and infrastractural development of institutes and start-up companies.

What is Translational Medicine?

Traslating scientific results into diagnostic and therapeutic advanced tools

Regerative medicine and tissue engineering aim to repair damaged adult human tissues and organs, ultimately meaning to restore their structural and functional integrity. Organ and tissue replacement is obtained though specifically identified cellular species able to regenerate the damaged tissue and through appropriate strategies for the reconstruction of the best microenvironment suitable for nesting the regenerating cells


Public and private partners joined for research and innovation in the field of Translational Medicine
Università del Salento
Università di Bari
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Dhitech Scarl
Ospedale San Raffaele
Engineering SPA